“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a
channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”
– Arthur Somers Roche
Worry, Worry, Worry…
Your days are filled with worry – about everything.
Sometimes, you worry every hour and every minute.
You fight headaches, tummy troubles, and sleep is elusive. Fatigue follows you around like a puppy dog – but it’s really not cute.
Your mind races, and thoughts get jumbled or lost.
Fear, Trepidation, and Anxiety are constant companions.
Your muscles in your jaw and shoulders are tense, and your neck and back ache.
The thought of something going wrong keeps you on the alert for the other shoe to drop.
Perfectionism rules your life – everything needs to be just right. You wonder, “Why can’t I do anything right? Whatever I do is never good enough.”
You worry about not saying enough. You worry about saying too much.
Worrying about what people think of you causes an outpouring of emotions – on edge, irritable, close to tears, ready to bite off someone’s head, shame, guilt, and embarrassment.
Trying to do so much doesn’t get things done – Ever.
When things go wrong, your hands sweat, your heart beats faster, and it’s hard to catch your breath. You feel nauseous, keyed up, and your mind races. But thinking is so damn hard.
“What-ifs,” “should-haves,” “musts,” and “need-tos” rule your world.
“You’re worried about what-ifs. Well, what if you stopped worrying?”
– Shannon Celebi
Anxiety has pluses and minuses.
Anxiety serves a fundamental purpose for humans. It is our warning signal that something is wrong.
Ideally, its job is to warn us of life-threatening situations and is the pilot light for our Fight/Flight/Freeze responses. Anxiety helps us to be prepared and allows us to consider the possibilities, including escape routes.
But anxiety can take on a life of its own. It can put us in 24/7 readiness, and we are not designed for that. And at this point, anxiety provides a false sense of security.
Therapy helps you identify the reason for your anxiety.
Therapy helps you figure out if you have some dangerous bad habits.
By exploring your anxiety, you learn when anxiety is helping you and when it’s hurting you.
While working together, we will reign in anxiety and make those responses work for you rather than against you.
I’ll teach you why your breathing matters and how to use positive self-talk.
Let’s get on friendly terms with your anxiety again. Let me show you how.